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Welcome to Energetic Marketing International - EMI

The Company

Energetic Marketing International (EMI) is launched with an aim to excel in the field of Network Marketing, which many believe is the future of the world sales. Leading international network companiesare now operating in e-commerce mode, with some ranking in top ten of world e-commerce trade. EMI is also an e-commerce based network marketing company. Based in the most technologically-advance Muslim country, Malaysia, it has started its operations in April 2011, with a simple concept of distributing quality products at highly competitive prices through a unique Network Marketing system. Within days of its launch it has expanded exponentially. Keeping in view the starting pace it has the potential to grow and become one of Asia's largest Network Marketing companies in not too distant future.

The Philosophy

The EMI formula is simple and easy to execute. It aims in helping thousands of its members to achieve tremendous financial success and engaging large number of people in productive earning activities across many borders. EMI believes is empowering people to earn independently. Through its rigorous training programs people get constant interaction and learning opportunities to help grow and generate their business.

The People

People are the most cherished asset of EMI. Our commitment is to create and provide a caring, enriching and rewarding environment for our members as well as our employees.

The Customers

EMI understand that without customers every thing will be futile. Every single customer is important to us. It is our commitment to constantly and attentively listen to our customers, wherever they are and from whatever category they belong. We understand their changing needs and provide them with excellent value-for-money products and services with a pro-active approach.

The Difference

It is more likely that one of the options people may consider in a Network Marketing model is a "Home based business". But there are many home business ideas out there that promise more than they actually deliver. In these cases false hope becomes a strong motivational force, which in the end fizzles out tamely, leaving the end user exasperated.
The EMI system provides a fresh breath of air to its vast variety of customers. Its Business Reward Program gives you the flexibility to earn an income anywhere, any time. It gives you the convenience, flexibility and ease to modify your plans according to your need and growth. At the same time it provides you the hitherto-missing opportunity to spend time of your own choice with your family. Not only that, it also provides you the chance to increase the vital financial security that you very richly deserve.

The Solution

EMI believes it has discovered a solution that just makes sense!
EMI offers not a get-rich-quick chance, or a fast Rabbit approach.
Its gives you a chance to get-rich-for-sure by adopting slow, step-wise, structured business approach that can help you in following ways.

* Residual income
* Flexibility to fit your schedule
* A very easy-to-duplicate system through our unique Business Motivation Step.(BMS)
* Guidance and assistance from successful leaders of our team.
* Work not hard. Work Smart. Create and get more opportunity.
* A Tested Home Based Business Idea, in practice for over 60 years and now spread to over 100 countries in the world
* Negligible RISK

* Terms and conditions apply

Copyright © 2011 Energetic Marketing International

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